A collection of my better landscape images taken in Australia.
Each image is best viewed at full screen. Left click on image to enlarge and get title and description. Then left click on arrow top left to go full screen and again to diminish.
Every image on this site is copyright and each also contains at least three levels of copyright protection.
Most of the images here, and some others, I have had printed onto six mm glass 750 x 500mm and have them hanging throughout my residence. More recently I have switched to aluminium prints which are much lighter and present better than glass.
To me they add a measure of beauty, tranquility, calmness and relaxed reflection.
Each is available for purchase in that format - POA. Seriously interested people are invited to view my gallery by arrangement.
Hanging these items requires a degree of expertise which I can provide without charge for mounting within 100 km of my home - elsewhere by negotiation.